A+D LookUp
A+D LookUp is a digital library of manufactured commercial product for architects and interior commercial designers. With over 280 plus categories of interior products, our designers utilize A+D Lookup as their "go to" search engine to find flooring, furniture, textiles and much more. We've included product sales rep contact information making it easier to reach your local reps.
Designers on average save 5-15 minutes per search when searching for a new sales rep. Imagine the savings! And how often do you find a product picture that you love but can't find the company or the sales rep. Designers currently using our utility simply add a picture to a pre-filled email of all the sales reps in a particular product category, click send and wait for an answer. Most get an answer with in a hour! And after finding the details when searching, add the content to our notes section and you and your company peers will have continuous access to your information. Simply put, we make it easy.
The information you need is all here when you need it. Access your design library 24/7 and save time doing your research with A+D LookUp. See what A+D LookUp is about and find out how using our on-line A+D search site can help you to do your work more efficiently. In a time when budgets are tight and workloads are high. Why not consider learning how A+D LookUp can help you reduce search times and accomplish more in your day?